Senior Fullstack Javascript Developer
Hi! My name is Julien. I join your teams to make your projects alive with Javascript stack.
I have contributed to the products of startups and large accounts, both in small teams and in squads of 12 people.
I master the Javascript stack in front, back and mobile with a very good knowledge of its ecosystem.
I am invested in my missions and I am at the side of your teams at every stage of your projects.
Senior JS engineer
I have the constant goal of pushing code boundaries and maintaining a high standard for code quality to provide users awesome experience. I work with various startups and clients on web and mobile projects since more than 16 years.
My favorite tools:
Latest missions as a freelancer
A multi website factory for books editors
Hachette manages web exposure of many books editors. All the websites are built thanks to a mutual common stack: a backend under Drupal, a NextJS frontend with customization to respect their own visual identity and some specific features.
Main achievements
- Code migration according to the clean architecture
- Switching to Typescript, migration of dependencies (Nextjs)
- Optimisation of the SSG build
- Creating a preview environment for content publishers
- Sites: JC Lattès, Marabout, Audiolib and many more
- migrate some Drupal API call by Elasticsearch call to improve performance on huge websites (more then 300.000 produts to show on the website)
White label TV app for mobile & tablet
IFeelSmart wants to move from a POC to a production VOD/streaming mobile app. This will be a white labeled international app for different TV operators from Israel to USA.
Main achievements
- Set up the stack: code architecture, dev tooling (linters, unit and e2e tests, ...), code imrpovement and performance, npm packages creation after setup a Verdaccio server...
- Stack development: theme system, hot rtl/ltr switch, export of the business logic in a npm package...
- Add features: app screens, a custom chromecast player, Firebase loggin and crash reporting...
- Staffing: 2 junior developers and 2 freelances
User journey for driving exam subscribtion
Multi provider authentification for freelancers